Lyme disease is a severe illness that is transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black-legged ticks. As cases continue to rise across the United States, it’s essential for everyone to be informed about this debilitating disease. This blog will discuss key things you need to know about Lyme disease in order to protect […]
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Alcoholic beverages have existed for thousands of years and are made and consumed in nations around the globe. Most people can enjoy occasional alcoholic beverages, but some become alcoholics who need help to overcome their addiction. According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, alcohol-related liver disease accounts for a third of all […]
Sweating is usually regarded as a healthy bodily function, something we associate with exercising and cleansing. But, excessive sweating can feature some unpleasant downsides — body odor, clammy hands, and sweat-stained clothing. For as natural as sweating might be, how do we determine if we are sweating toomuch? Furthermore, if we are sweating a lot, […]
Some of the most essential and sensitive organs of the human body are in the region of the head and neck. Since the ears, nose and throat are all interconnected, their medical treatment is a separate field in itself, known as ENT. ENT specialists can handle everything from allergies to facial plastic surgery to ease […]
Staying healthy seems to be getting more and more complicated. Just as one group encourages people to eat organic foods, another group claims that not all organics are the same. And while some people say that all fruits and vegetables are good for you, others indicate that you should avoid produce from certain areas of […]
The vast majority of full time workers (nearly 99%) have health insurance benefits of some kind. Most employers are required to offer health insurance benefits to their workers. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires businesses to cover all employees who work 30 hours or more and if their workforce has 50 of more people […]
Heart disease is a leading cause of death for both men and women in the United States. Risk factors for heart disease are high blood pressure, smoking and high LDL cholesterol. Unfortunately, nearly half of all Americans have at least one of these. Seeing a primary care doctor regularly and going in for testing at […]
At least 18 million people in the United States suffer from a condition known as sleep apnea but it often goes undiagnosed. In fact, one in 50 people who have it do not know it. That number correlates to between 2 and 4% of all Americans. The most common treatments include the CPAP machine, BiPAP […]