People of all ages must take care to stay in good health here in the United States. After all, many people are managing a number of chronic health professions, especially as they begin to get on in years. And surgical procedures are also commonplace throughout the country, from the surgeries performed by the typical bariatric surgeon to surgeries such as that of the hip replacement surgery.
First, let’s look at the important role of the bariatric surgeon. Unfortunately the role of the bariatric surgeon has become more necessary than ever before, as obesity has skyrocketed among the population of people, particularly adults, here in the United States. In fact, up to one third of all Americans are now medically classified as obese, with another one third or so of the population classified as overweight, though they have not yet reached an obese weight.
Unfortunately, many people find that the work of a bariatric surgeon is their only real hope for weight loss, as they have become so obese that other, more natural methods of weight loss are now not an option. For once a person reaches a certain weight, getting that weight to come off as quickly as possible is a must – and is something that often falls into the hands of a bariatric surgeon.
After all, any bariatric surgeon is likely to be all too aware of the health impact that obesity can have, especially over a considerable period of time. For one thing, heart disease is common among obese people – but even just losing 10% of your weight could reduce your chances of developing it significantly. But as up to half of all people attempting to lose weight fail to do so simply because they do not have the discipline, the role that the typical bariatric surgeon plays is a lifesaving one.
Aside from the bariatric surgeon, the oncologist, a doctor that treats cancer, also plays a key role in the saving of lives (and sometimes both doctors will even be involved, as obesity can raise a person’s risk factors for certain types of cancer). Cancer comes in all shapes and sizes, and is likely more common than many people realize. In fact, more than 39% of all people will be diagnosed with some form of cancer over the course of their lives and while some of these cancers is likely not to be too severe and will be treated and eradicated quickly, other types of cancer can be easily life threatening. Unfortunately, cancer deaths are quite high not just here in the United States but truly all throughout the world as a whole as well.
Typically, an oncologist will recommend a course of chemotherapy treatment, as chemotherapy treatments have often been quite effective at eradicating many a kind of cancer in people of all ages and general physical conditions. Chemotherapy can be used in conjunction with other treatments, such as surgery to physically remove as much of the cancer as is possible and radiation treatments. In recent years, proton therapy has become more popular than ever as well, and many patients have seen much success through its usage, even going into remission and staying there for many years.
Of course, prompt treatment is hugely important when it comes to cancer and the early detection of any given cancer can very much mean the difference between life and death. For many people, screening tests like mammograms are nothing if not lifesaving, and these tests should be conducted on a regular basis once a person has reached a certain age. Of course, the work of skilled doctors and medical teams is also hugely instrumental when it comes to the survival rates for diseases such as cancer.
At the end of the day, it is doctors who make the difference. From the bariatric surgeon to the oncologist, the role of the typical doctor is a hugely important one indeed, and not a role that should be underestimated by any means. From weight loss surgery to skin cancer treatment to orthopedic care and beyond, there are many forms of medical expertise in this world and in this country.