Are you losing your hair? Are you feeling insecure because your hair looks thinner than you’d like? Are you considering getting hair restoration of some kind? Hair restoration in the form of an FUE hair transplant or some other type of follicular unit transplantation is a great option for hair loss treatment. Here’s some things you need to know about hair transplant and what it can do for you:
It Will Change Your Life
There are few things as discouraging as losing your hair. It can make you feel old and irrelevant. It can make you feel insecure in your love life or overshadowed in your professional life. If you’re a woman, the effects can be even more significant, since male pattern baldness is at least somewhat socially acceptable for men but completely unacceptable for women.
Some men do well with shaving their head, but others don’t feel comfortable with the shape of their heads without hair to cover it. For both men and women, having long, lush hair again can make a world of difference in terms of confidence and self-esteem.
You Can’t Have Any Hairstyle You Like
While you can have full, rich hair again, you should be prepared for the reality that you might not be able to pull off any hairstyle you like. One mistake that many people who have had a successful hair transplant make is to assume that longer is always better. While the hair transplant might give you more hair, make sure the thickness on top matches your length before you start growing it all out.
You Might Not Know What Hair Restoration Really Is
Hair transplants are not performed by taking hair from another person. They also aren’t done by taking hair from another part of your body and sticking it on your head. They aren’t accomplished by shaving, either.
Hair transplant procedures involve taking a small grouping of individual hair units, usually with one to four hairs, out of the scalp where hair is thick and grafting it in where hair is thinning out. This has a couple of implications. First, if you’re very young it might be best to wait a bit before doing this type of hair restoration. Second, your results depend on how thick your hair is in other places.
It’s Not Vanity: It’s Identity
Ok, it
can be about vanity, but it doesn’t have to be. People change their hair color and hairstyle all the time, to reflect who they really are inside. They wear the uniform of their industry–whether a lawyer’s three-piece suit or a burger line t-shirt–with small accessories and unique tucks that say something about the unique individual behind the clothes. Your hair restoration doesn’t have to be about making you feel better than everyone else: it can just be about making you feel like
It Works
The main thing you should know about hair restoration procedures? They really work. You really can look and feel like yourself again. You might even look better than you did before you started losing your hair!
The experience of hair loss is a genetic inevitability for a lot of us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t fight back. If you’re unhappy with your hair, look into hair surgeons in your area who can hep you get busy being you again.