Schools are cesspools for living bacteria. Our children go to school every day and risk the chance of coming home with dozens of different strains of illnesses and bacteria. In fact, it is said that most children catch between six and ten colds per year and this is all due to the events in which take place inside these school buildings and the infections from school sports they pick up by simply breathing. What are some of the infections that can be picked up through schools? And how can we prevent infections from being life threatening? Is there actually a way to keep children safe during their busy school days or to prevent infections from school sports?
For children, learning to prevent school sports infections can be a difficult task. Considering that only 5% of people wash their hands for at least 15 seconds, the chance of infections arising from playing a sport or going to school raises greatly. Our children should be washing their hands for 15 second minimum, especially when they’re playing school sports. Viruses and infections such as the flu can survive on surfaces for up to 48 hours! That means that if a sick child were to touch a surface, dozens of other children are at risk for the flu too all because of one child not washing their hands after coughing or sneezing into them.
However, the flu is not one of the only infections from school sports that can be contracted. MRSA can also be transmitted through unclean areas.
What is MRSA?
MRSA or Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that is responsible for infections within the body. It is much more difficult to treat than other staph infections and most of the time it is highly resistant to most antibiotics. MRSA is transmitted through skin to skin contact and is highly contagious.
MRSA prevention
Preventing a MRSA outbreak can be done by encouraging children to wash their hands and maintain a good hygiene routine. Children should not be sharing water bottles or other personal items, when it comes to school sports, children should be encouraged to only participate if they are feeling well and up to playing the game and not pushed into playing if they are sick to prevent any risk to other students and school personnel.
Considering that 22 million school days are already lost for children in the United States due to the common cold, let’s be sure to protect our children and make sure that these school days are not being lost due to a more serious issue arising. Let’s teach our children how to protect themselves in school and not acquire infections from school sports by sharing germs and colds with one another. Protect your children by teaching them how to wash their hands often and to know when they should be sitting classes and school sports out in order to recover from any illnesses.