If you’ve had a heart attack, or your primary doctor tells you that you have a heart problem, you should visit a cardiologist. If you’ve never visited a heart doctor, you may want to know what to expect from your first cardiologist appointment. Your visit will typically begin with a health history, and the doctor will wish to do blood work and an EKG.

The Cardiologist Will Share a Heart Health Recovery Plan With You

People who have a heart attack may visit a cardiologist in the emergency room because of a cardiology consultation. Consultations are ordered by doctors in charge of a client’s case but who need input from a heart doctor. If you’re admitted to the hospital, the cardiologist may visit you during your hospital stay.

At your first visit to a cardiologist, the cardiologist will ask questions about your daily activities and ask why you wanted to see a cardiologist. By the end of the visit, the cardiologist will share a heart health recovery plan with you, including any new medications. This is the right time to ask any cardiologist questions you may have. Many people want to know which activities they can do, but they may be too embarrassed to ask.

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Heart Health Tips from a Top Cardiologist
We are going to give top notch heart recovery tips for those patients who are suffering from some serious heart diseases. Exactly, it does not matter who is suffering from heart problems what you need to do is to adopt the following heart healthy tips for making heart free from all kinds of diseases.

It has been figured out in a research that more than 800,000 Americans die due to cardiac arrest and this ratio would increase if people do not change their diet plan. The research claims that 4 out 5 deaths could have been prevented if the patients had displayed some seriousness to their heart illness.

Do You Eat What’s Best for a Healthy Heart?
You might have heard that chocolate and wine are bad for heart and should not be eaten. This is totally wrong. Chocolates and wines are supposed to be very good ingredients for your heart and they must be eaten. Besides, the protein you eat to lessen down your body weight should not be taken.  It is very harmful for your heart.

The Managing Director of Columbia University Medical Center’s Preventive Cardiology Program and author of Heart to Heart Lori Mosca says that “a big majority of people does not know that what should be eaten for making their heart healthy and they should not eat what is said in media”. Rather, they should eat what American Heart Association recommends.

6 Simple Steps to a Heart Healthy Diet:
1. Try to eat vitamin rich foods, fiber, vegetables and grains.
2. Try to take fish 2 times in a week
3. Try to lessen down intake of saturated fats and you should not derive more than 30% calories from the fats you eat.
4.  It would be better if you take fat free foods.
5.  For reduction of Trans fats in your food, avoid taking hydrogenated vegetable oil.
6.  Salt is not good for your heart. Hence, cut it down from your food to maximum extent.

Experts hold the opinion that those people have the healthy hearts who do not take too much fat. They say that vegetables, grains, fish, fruits, and fiber are supposed to be best ingredients to make your heart healthy and if you wish to make your heart perfectly fit, do not adopt what you see in media reports. Rather, try to follow what has been recommended by American Heart Association.