From MCAT accomodations to LSAT accommodations, there are many reasons that someone might need testing accommodations and other such accommodations in their educational lives. From learning disabilities to mental illness, many things can impact your ability to be successful in a school setting, no matter what you actual intelligence level might be. For such people, finding success in school (and later on in life) can often feel like an uphill battle. At least when it comes to school, testing accommodations such as MCAT accommodations can help to level the playing field, so to speak.
If you are interested in MCAT accomodations or other such testing accommodations, it is likely that you will need to undergo a psychoeducational evaluation or the like. This evaluation will help to assess your educational needs and will determine whether or not MCAT accomodations or other such educational accommodations are appropriate and necessary when it comes to your ability to learn. If you do not already have a diagnosis (as many people will) such an evaluation might even help to give you one. Whether or not you receive accommodations such as MCAT accommodations, it is important to follow up with a psychologist or a psychiatrist (or often both, as they frequently work with patients in tandem), as working with a mental health professional will help you to build up better life strategies and coping skills regardless.
You might be in need of MCAT accomodations and the like if you have been diagnosed with ADHD, also known as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. ADHD is very common all throughout the United States, and has particularly high rates of diagnosis among children. In fact, there are very nearly six and half million children who are between the ages of four and of seventeen who currently also have a diagnosis of ADHD. On average, more children are diagnosed at the age of seven than at any other age. However, many people do not realize that ADHD is, in the vast majority of cases, a lifelong condition. ADHD is present from childhood to adulthood, and the average person with ADHD will have it for the rest of their lives. Unfortunately, this is widely misunderstood not only when it comes to ADHD, but when it comes to other conditions such as various learning disabilities and other such mental health problems like anxiety.
Because ADHD is unfortunately often not treated and managed well into a person’s adult years, those who have ADHD are more likely to suffer from anxiety related problems. In fact, as much as half of all people with a diagnosis of ADHD in this country have also be diagnosed with some type of anxiety disorder, and they are also at a much higher risk to suffer unhealthy levels of stress as well as depression, two things that make it more difficult to lead an independent and productive life. But the proper treatment of ADHD even in a person’s adult years can be incredibly helpful and can boost their quality of life by quite a bit. Things like MCAT accomodations can also help, especially as someone prepares to enter a new chapter of their life.
But ADHD is not the only condition where MCAT accomodations or ACT accommodations are likely to be hugely beneficial. Dyslexia is another common diagnosis that can greatly impact test taking ability as well as ability to learn. Unfortunately, dyslexia is a widely underdiagnosed learning disability here in the United States. Data backs this up, showing that while two million or so people have been formally diagnosed with dyslexia, as many as forty million people in just the United States alone actually have it but have never had the chance to be evaluated and get a diagnosis. Fortunately, having dyslexia does not in any way, shape, or form mean that your IQ is lowered. In fact, the famous genius Albert Einstein actually had dyslexia and, with an IQ of at least one hundred and sixty, his intelligence was not in question. But dyslexia can make it hard to learn and perform well in the traditional educational setting of the United States. Fortunately, MCAT accomodations in the United States can help to bridge the gap, and can allow many dyslexic people to achieve profound success.