What are symptoms of fibroids

Although uterine fibroids are extremely common, the symptoms of fibroid cysts are not. If your fibroids were giving you problems, you would probably know it. Here’s why.

They Can Cause Abnormal Bleeding.

One of the most common symptoms of fibroid cysts is an abnormal amount of menstrual bleeding. Many women will find that they soak through their sanitary protection in less than 60 minutes, and are not capable of leaving their homes on the worst days. Sometimes, the symptoms of fibroid cysts can be so severe that the sheer amount of blood loss as a result of menstrual bleeding causes anemia to develop.

They Can Cause Noticeable Amounts of Pain.

Various types of pain are also common symptoms of fibroid cysts. Depending on the size and location of the benign tumors, fibroids can cause pain in the lower pain, or pelvic region. They may even cause pain during intercourse, though this may only happen at certain times of the month, or in certain positions. If one of the symptoms of fibroid cysts being experienced is pain during intercourse, then a doctor needs to be seen as soon as is possible.

They Can Cause Bathroom Issues.

Fibroids can even cause women issues with going to the bathroom. Some women may find that their fibroids cause rectal pressure, creating feelings of fullness and pain during bowel movements, or otherwise preventing bowel movements from even happening. They may also cause feelings of bladder fullness, causing women to think that they have to go to the bathroom, even when they don’t. And when they do, the fibroids may prevent them from going.

Even though many women have fibroids, only a few ever exhibit the signs and symptoms of fibroids. Should they ever give you problems, you’ll know it, and if they ever do, you should speak to your doctor about your uterine fibroids treatment options. If you have any questions about the symptoms of fibroid cysts, or about uterine fibroid treatments, feel free to share in the comments.