The Top Six Vitamins You Should Not Take
Recently, I wrote about 5 vitamins and suggested you not to take those vitamins which are not beneficial for your health. Now, I am expanding the list and adding the sixth vitamin which is also not good for you to some extent. The name of the sixth one is vitamin D.
A study claims that the supplement of Vitamin D does not last any effect over the diseases and after the research of 450 studies, it has been concluded that supplements of Vitamin D do not address common health problems. On the other hand, a new study named as “The Lancet” claims that people are wasting their money in purchasing the Vitamin D supplements and there is no effect of such supplementation.
We have been always told that paucity of Vitamin D is very serious for our bones but the author of Lancet did not agree with it and conducted a study over 4082 participants to determine the reality. After the review of said participants and 25 studies, the author of Lancet reached to the conclusion that “risk factors for vitamin D deficiency seems to be inappropriate.”Hence, supplements of vitamin D are nothing but waste of money.
Besides, it is very easy to take vitamin D from your regular diet and a writer of Huffington Post said that “10 minutes of sunlight is enough for you to take the vitamin in good amount”.
Here goes the list of Top Six Vitamins you should not take:
1. Vitamin C
2. Vitamin A and beta carotene
3. Vitamin E
4. Vitamin B6
5. Multi-vitamins
6. Vitamin D