Congenital abnormalities of the ear

You have a sick boy today. It started with a simple sore throat yesterday afternoon, but he is sporting a pretty good fever now. You do not think that you are exaggerating when you say that it has been years since the last time he was sick with anything beyond a cold, and you know that you need to get these germs knocked out before the beginning of the school year. The doctor, however, is concerned that this seemingly simple sore throat could be an indicator of an even bigger problem. Because both your older son and you have had adenoiditis and adenoid hypertrophy procedures in the past, this current sore throat could be an indicator that your younger son is following in the same footsteps. In fact, the doctor has recommended that it might be a good idea to have an ear nose and throat specialist take a look.
No one wants to have a child who is sick going into the school year. It is important, in fact, to make sure that your children are as healthy as possible as they go into their upcoming school year.
Are You Doing Everything You Can to Make Sure That Your Children Are Healthy for this Upcoming School Year?
Common ENT problems cause children to miss many days of school every year. In fact, there are very few children with ear, nose, and throat problems who do not miss days of work on account of their illnesses. Whether you are looking at a serious adenoiditis and adenoid hypertrophy that is causing your child problems or you are dealing with sinus infections, finding the right pediatrician can help you find the answers that you need. From breathing difficulties to chronic ear problems, the right doctor can help you find the answers that you need. Consider some of these pediatric health issues that are common for children today:

  • 90% of tonsillectomies in children 30 years ago were done for recurrent infection. Today, however, it is about 20% for infection and 80% for obstructive sleep problems (OSA).
  • 10% of children snore regularly and nearly 25 to 4 % of the pediatric population has OSA, a condition that can sometimes be treated by doctors who deal with ear nose and throat problems in children and adolescents.
  • 90% of all children will have at least one ear infection by the age of two.
  • 83% of all children will have at least one ear infection by the age of three.
  • Children who suffer from enlarged tonsils are 3.7 times more likely to experience symptoms of sleep-disordered breathing than children who do not suffer from enlarged tonsils.
  • Adenoiditis and adenoid hypertrophy are conditions that are more commonly known as having enlarged adenoids, sometimes as large as a ping pong. This condition can cause snoring, as well as breathing and swallowing problems in some extreme cases.