It’s always scary when a child gets sick. No matter how many times you’ve witnessed a high fever or frustrating cold that takes forever to dissipate, there’s always the possibility this illness could become worse.
This is where a pediatric urgent care center comes in. When you don’t have the time to wait for a scheduled visit with your family doctor but the emergency room is not quite the resource for the situation, an urgent care center can ensure your child is given fast treatment. Today’s healthcare environment can feel unsteady, with new healthcare laws cropping up faster than you can keep track. When you need an anchor to keep you and your family sane throughout the month, asking, “How much is a urgent care visit?” will go a long way.
Knowing the difference between urgent and emergency care will save you and your child a lot of stress.
Urgent Care Is More Affordable
Medical costs are never pretty. They’re even less so when the cold season comes around and everyone seems to get sick over and over again. An urgent care center can take a big weight off your shoulders by providing you with an affordable cost only matched by its high-quality care. Over three million patients will visit urgent care centers every week. According to a study provided by Milliman, over 45% of ER visits could have actually been treated at an urgent care setting. That means the difference between a $150 visit and a visit exceeding $500.
Children Need Regular Check-Ups
You do your best to keep your children healthy. Even then, your best efforts can still have them coming down with cold after cold. It’s estimated the average child will catch anywhere from six to 10 colds every year, with five out of six children having at least one ear infection before they hit the age of three. Putting off check-ups can put your children in a potentially worse state when they do get sick, leaving you frustrated and them in a lot of pain. Type in ‘urgent care pediatrics near me’ and nip any concerns in the bud early on.
Injuries And Illnesses Can Be Treated
Whether your child has a sprained ankle or the flu, you can ensure you’re good to go even before you drop by your clinic of choice. “How much is a urgent care visit?” is a question that will take a backseat when you’re faced with the flexible nature of pediatric urgent care, with doctors and nurse practitioners eager to get your child feeling up to speed. Over 65% of all urgent care centers have a physician on-site at all times and medical staff are more than familiar with the fear that can accompany a doctor visit. When your children aren’t feeling well and you’re short on time, let an urgent care center shoulder the weight.
Wait Times Are Generally Short
While not all urgent care centers are built the same, a recent study found 60% of all urgent care clinics providing a wait time of 15 minutes or less. That’s nothing but good news when you already have a tight schedule to manage alongside a sick child and the day’s obligations. Recent data provided by the 2014 National Health Interview Survey (or NHIS) found 8% of American children suffering from hay fever. Another 10% have respiratory allergies, as well as 15% suffering from food allergies or skin allergies.
What To Expect At A Pediatric Urgent Care
How much is a urgent care visit? Much more affordable than a doctor’s visit or ER visit. When you visit an urgent care center expect to face a shorter wait time, with the majority offering 15 minutes or less, as well as a basic physical. A physician, doctor or nurse will then provide your child with the medication or treatment necessary to get them recovering quickly. Even if you’re unsure whether or not your child’s complaints of dizziness or abdominal pain are serious, a doctor can pinpoint the source and ensure you’re not left wondering.
How much is a urgent care visit? Thanks to the tireless efforts of doctors, you’ll know what to expect next time your children come down with a cold.