Today, thanks to developments in medicine, it is easier than ever to administer large numbers of vaccines against various viruses to the American population, and this act saves many lives per year and keeps control over the spread of various infections, such as strains of influenza, and the work of vaccines has practically wiped out diseases such as polio, while other ailments such as measles appear only infrequently today. Some vaccines, such as Afluria Seqirus, are effective at preventing influenza strains from taking hold, and young children should get their first vaccine shots as soon as their doctor allows it, and adults are encouraged to get new shots such as Afluria Seqirus, multi-dose vaccines, and vaccines for seniors regularly so that a person will be immune to mutated strains of influenza and other afflictions to stay safe and healthy. Just how effective have vaccines proven to be in the past, and when is it time to get a person’s shots updated?
The Work of Vaccines
Ever since Edward Jenner developed his “arm to arm” vaccination method in the late 1700s to control the spread of smallpox, vaccines have grown and been improved over the decades and centuries to become potent against many different ailments, and by the 1940s, vaccines were being mass-produced to fight the most common viruses of the day. Now, many statistics have been compiled showing how many lives are saved due to vaccines and what viral infections have been put under control thanks to Afluria Seqirus and more. Polio vaccines have all but removed this virus from the general populace, and given how 91.9% of children aged 19 to 35 months receive polio vaccines today, and doctors urge the populace to increase this rate even more. Similarly, global mortality due to measles has dropped 84% due to the work of vaccines, and speaking broadly, the World Health Organization, the WHO, found that immunization prevents anywhere between to to three million deaths every single year. For these reasons and more, parents are strongly urged to bring their young children to the doctor’s office for all necessary vaccines and shots, and to update immunization every few years as needed. Adults, too, should keep pace with their immunization needs, and even senior citizens should renew their vaccines as needed. Flu vaccines for seniors is a great idea for helping keep influenza under control, and preservative-free vaccines may also be desired by patients.
Storing Vaccines
Vaccines are temperature sensitive, and for this reason, research labs and hospitals must invest in the correct hardware to store them safely until they are needed. This means buying a lab freezer or a vaccine refrigerator and putting all vaccines into it, keeping them at a safe temperature for an extended period of time, such as Afluria Seqirus and more. No ordinary freezer unit will do; most commercial fridges and freezers are meant for food, and they will have wide temperature swings whenever a person opens their doors, and this will ruin delicate vaccines inside. Instead, a lab or hospital should buy specially made medical freezers and fridges, which will have more strict temperature control inside.
Buying a vaccine freezer or fridge means having a budget aside for such a unit, and a lab or hospital should have the room for this unit; either room on the floor for a bigger unit, or room on a shelf or counter for a smaller, lighter unit. The number of vaccines to be stored at a time will also affect the size of the unit being bought; too big, and there is wasted room, and too small, and not all vaccines will fit inside at the same time. Buyers of a vaccine freezer can also acquire previous customer reviews to make sure that a given model will have the temperature control and convenience needed for storing Afluria Seqirus or other types of vaccines at a research lab or a hospital for extended periods until needed. When the right model is found for the right price, the lab or hospital staff can set it up on the floor or on a shelf, plug it in, and place the vaccines inside once the unit has reached the correct temperature inside.