Your skin is the largest organ on your body. Is it any wonder it’s so susceptible to damage?
It’s a tall order regulating your temperature, protecting you from harm, and pushing back harmful UV rays. Even at its strongest, your skin needs a little help to do its job well. This is where a good dermatologist comes into play. The field of dermatology is devoted to taking good care of your skin, no matter how serious or stubborn your condition seems to be. Instead of buying yet another over-the-counter product that doesn’t work, consider looking to a professional that can diagnose you properly.
Botox, chemical peels, birth control peels…there are a lot of options you can try out. Here are some of today’s most common skin issues and what you can do to finally start seeing a difference.
Got Adult Acne? A Dermatologist Can Help You
Here’s an issue you didn’t think you’d have to deal with as an adult…stubborn, unsightly acne. According to recent studies nearly 85% of people have had acne at some point in their lives, usually starting in puberty. It can and does, however, affect people in their 20s, 30s and even 40s. By the time Americans are in their mid-teens 40% will have acne scars that will need to be treated by a professional. Whether your acne is caused by hormonal changes or your diet, a dermatologist can provide you with the means of finally getting a break.
Don’t Let Itchy Eczema Interfere With Your Day
Does your skin constantly itch? Are you being faced with frustrating peeling, redness, and soreness? You might just have eczema, a skin condition that affects millions of Americans every year. The field of dermatology is exactly where you need to go when faced with chronic conditions like these, as over-the-counter products are often weak or inaccurate for your symptoms. You can work out a plan with your dermatologist to try topical treatment or potential lifestyle changes, such as hidden allergies caused by clothes or food.
Wrinkles And Age Spots Are Made Worse By UV Rays
You might think wrinkles and sun spots are caused by age. While age can certainly be a factor, recent studies have found excess sun exposure could be to blame. Sunspots are able to start showing up as early as your 20s, though many people start noticing them later in their years. The Skin Cancer Foundation went at length to state more than 90% of visible changes commonly attributed to aging are actually caused by UV rays. Botox is a treatment you can try to ‘lift up’ those wrinkles, while reducing sun exposure will ensure your condition doesn’t get worse.
Stubborn Dandruff Is A Skin Care Issue, Too
What other skin care treatments can you seek out alongside Botox and acne scar removal? An itchy head will be buffed out in no time. Dandruff is a very common skin issue that can be caused by psoriasis, the wrong shampoo, or constant moisture. It’s estimated 3% of all people have some form of psoriasis, with some dealing with minor flaking and others struggling with severe itching and even bleeding. Your dermatologist can prescribe a proper shampoo or topical treatment to help reduce discomfort and keep flakes at bay — in fact, you should try to get several treatments done in one go when visiting a professional.
Questions To Ask Your Dermatologist
You might have more than one skin condition that needs addressing. To save yourself another trip, write down a list of issues you’ve been having, with any relevant information such as family history, personal diet, and hormonal changes. By the time 2021 arrives the global skin care market is expected to be valued at $155 billion. Now is a great time to consider the positive impact of Botox for your self-esteem or help with acne that you just can’t seem to shake. Even your uneven skin tone can be adjusted with a helping hand.
Give your skin a break. Let a dermatologist get to the root of your acne, psoriasis, eczema, wrinkles, or sunspot with treatment that lasts.