Leaving our children in the hands of someone else while we go to work is one of the hardest things we do as parents. This is especially true when your child has to go to daycare rather than staying with a close friend or family member. One of the reasons this is such a concern is the added exposure to germs and sickness at a place that is packed with other children. Colds a big issue with the average child catching six to 10 of them a year.
However, you don’t have to stress if you take some precautions and also make sure to inspect the daycare for proper infection prevention before leaving your child there. There are specific things you and your daycare can do to keep you child safe from infection and illness and we will look at some of those below.
Proper Daycare Cleaning
One of the first things you will want to observe before sending your child to daycare is the cleanliness of the facility. Make sure everything looks thoroughly cleaned and don’t be afraid to ask questions about the facility’s sanitation techniques. A place that disinfects surfaces and toys on a regular basis and makes kids wash their hands throughout the day is ideal.
Food Storage
Something else to consider when preventing infections and illness is the storing of snacks and drinks at your local daycare. Let’s say you have a baby that you pack pumped milk for. You will want to find out how it will be stored while it is at the daycare facility so that it doesn’t go bad before you baby has it. It’s also wise to find out if snacks and drinks are rotated out as they expire.
Teach Your Child About Hygiene
A huge step in infection prevention is teaching your child at home about proper hygiene. Make sure they know when and how to wash their hands as well as what not to put in their mouths. Teach them to see signs of illness in other children so that they do not spend the day hugging and making constant contact with kids who are sick.
Be Aware
In the end the best thing you can do for infection prevention is to be aware of your child’s surroundings, behavior, knowledge, and interactions. It is up to the parent to protect their child and most of the time all that takes is observation and communication. Both of those things can protect your child from so much on their own, so don’t forget to utilize them.