Drug addiction is an unending scourge in our society. In Mexico alone, illegal drug use rose 87% between 2002 and 2011. This drug use consists of mild drugs like marijuana and cocaine, as well as more serious ones like heroin and meth. Yet as of 2014 there are very few treatments available for those addicted to stimulants. What options are available for people trying to start over and live a new, better life?
Ibogaine addiction treatment may be just the thing to alleviate this burden from us as individuals and as a society. Ibogaine is a psychedelic drug that has been demonstrated to play a revelatory role in diminishing addiction and dependent behavior. In certain studies, ibogaine has reduced individuals’ drug cravings within 72 to 96 hours. The process of ibogaine therapy is gentle and sustained, and takes place over a period of at least several days, necessitating a residential visit to an ibogaine clinic for most patients seeking the treatment program.
But an ibogaine treatment center is not a sterile hospital-like environment. It is a relaxed, blissful environment in Cancun, intended to promote a sense of well-being, comfort and compassion. A good ibogaine treatment center will recognize the role of beauty and restfulness in the healing process. People come to these centers to detox, begin the healing process, and open themselves up to life and authentic beauty.
The process of consuming the ibogaine is facilitated by trained experts who are experienced in bringing many individuals to a state of full recovery. Those that consume ibogaine report mystical visions, a sense of time ceasing to exist, a renewed connection to life, and a fundamental change in their being. In a world where too few people receive treatment of any kind for their drug problems, it is refreshing to see a treatment method that inspires genuine change and positive life experience in those that undergo it.
This article should not be interpreted as medical advice. Talk to a doctor or treatment specialist before making a visit to an ibogaine treatment center.