During the spring and summer months, it can be much easier to get the exercise that you need than at any other time throughout the year, particularly if you live in a region of the United States that experiences all four seasons. When it’s nice outside, it’s easy to walk everywhere you go and to bike and to partake in sports. But when fall and winter roll in, this can all change.

The fall months can be great for many reasons, but there is typically a definite chill in the air that makes spending prolonged periods of time outside far from ideal. Because of this, people are less likely to get the exercise they need from their day to day living and tasks and must instead begin to seek out exercise intentionally if they have not been already. And as winter rolls around the world becomes dark and often dreary, it can be difficult to find this motivation.

But exercise is absolutely critical to health, there is simply no doubt about it. Exercise helps to keep off extra weight but all builds strength, endurance, and – depending on the type of exercise – even flexibility. But far too few people get the right amount of exercise, with only around one third of all adults here in the United States getting the recommended weekly amount and less than ten percent of the same population exercising for even just thirty minutes throughout the day.

This, coupled with a poor diet, can quickly lead to a weight problem that grows and grows (literally and figuratively). Unfortunately, being a healthy weight is far less common than it should be in this country, as one third of the country’s adults are considered to be overweight. Another one thirds are considered, at least by medical standards, to be obese. And as all weight loss doctors are likely to know, being obese or even just overweight for a prolonged period of time is likely to bring about a number of health complications, some that can even end up being life threatening and are certainly more than ideal to avoid developing.

When you undergo weight loss, it should always be with the advise of weight loss doctors, as doctor supervised with loss is ideal and can even help to provide the support that you need to keep going, especially in those fall and winter months when it’s much harder to get moving on a daily or even just regular basis. And weight loss doctors can provide the support that you need, something that up to seventy percent of people say is absolutely vital for success during just about any weight loss journey.

There might come a time, however, when weight loss doctors think that simply providing support and information and guidance is not enough. For some people, even those who have done their best to remain active in fall and winter and at all other times of their lives in recent history, weight loss surgery might be advisable. This is particularly the case for those who start out incredibly obese, as weight loss surgery can help to jump start their weight loss and get them to drop a great deal of weight in the first few months after the surgery has been performed, something that is absolutely vital to the health of many.

And the rates of weight loss after weight loss surgery as performed by weight loss doctors is impressive, to say the least. There are a number of different kinds of weight loss surgeries and they have varying results (and pros and cons), but the results remain impressive across the board, even with the variations found. When considering your weight loss surgery options, consider the fact that gastric bypass surgery results in a typical weight loss of more than sixty four pounds in just the first year and that gastric sleeve surgery results in a fifty five pound loss in that same span of time.

Weight loss doctors can tell you that there are many ways to lose weight, from simply dieting to undergoing a weight loss surgical procedure. Being obese raises your risk of many health problems.