Addiction has come to the point of an epidemic in the United States. There are so many different opportunities for people to develop addictions to so many different things. We continue to find ways provide for the addict to get hooked, but we need to do more to help those who have gotten captured by the horrible monster that is drug and alcohol addiction.
In 2015, there were 20.5 million Americans who had some sort of substance abuse disorder. These are people who are 12 years of age or older who have become addicted to one thing or another or any multitude of substances. Of these 20.5 million, there were 2 million who had an addiction to pain relievers and 591,000 who struggled with a heroin problem. In fact, it is estimated that roughly a quarter of the people who use heroin develop an opioid addiction.
Whether it is an opiate addiction, methadone addiction, cocaine addiction or any other substance or even combination of substances, people are suffering and need the help that only quality drug treatment programs can give.
There are a great many drug treatment programs throughout the United States if you ever need to be treated for alcohol or substance abuse. Many of these treatment centers are using tried and true methods while others are bringing drugs forward that are making remarkable progress toward curing addiction.
Some drug treatment centers are using an ibogaine treatment program to help their patients shake off their habit for good. Ibogaine has been around for thousands of years, but in the 1960s it was discovered that ibogaine had treatment possibilities for opiate withdrawal. There have been many students since that time that have found that an ibogaine treatment program is quite effective as an addiction interrupter for many different substances including heroin, methadone, methamphetamine, cocaine, alcohol, and nicotine.
An ibogaine treatment program alleviates the physical withdrawal symptoms of opiate detoxification. It accomplishes this by resetting and refreshing the opiate receptor sites. Once this process is complete one time, you no longer need ibogaine. It functions somewhat like treatments that block or get inside the receptor sites that hold and harbor chemical substances.
An ibogaine treatment program, unlike methadone or suboxone which can lead to chemical dependency, is not potentially addictive. Ibogaine is not an addictive substance, so the program won’t leave you simply swapping one addiction problem for another.
An ibogaine treatment program helps the patient to feel better quickly. This is especially true when you compare what happens to a person using ibogaine with what happens to one going off an addictive substance cold turkey, and prescription drugs have been seen to take longer to come off of compared to street drugs.
When it comes to the war on drugs here in the United States, overdoses from opioid and heroin total more than 27,000 people every year.
We need to do more to keep people alive.