The idea of using marijuana as medicine is becoming more and more accepted in America as a legitimate practice. Legal medical marijuana has seen major growth within the past decade, although it originally was met with challenges. As of March 2014, twenty states have made medical marijuana legal for certain medical conditions that can benefit from marijuana medicinal use. Medicinal benefits of medicinal marijuana have been recognized for hundreds of years, here are some little known facts on medical marijuana:
The Greeks Used Marijuana Strains
Records show that ancient greeks used marijuana for nosebleeds and treated their horses with marijuana as well.
Marijuana Helps Multiple Diseases
Marijuana fights cancer cells through THC and CBC. Cancer patients use medicinal marijuana to fight pain and ward of uncomfortable stomach conditions. Many doctors recommend marijuana for those suffering from AIDS/HIV as it reduces the symptoms of nausea and vomiting as well as pain and muscle spasms. When using marijuana patients often describe their pain to subside and allow them to function at a higher rate without the concern of pain. In addition to pain relief, many people experience better moods, increased hunger, and general better well being.
Medicinal Marijuana Can Improve Quality of Life
According to marijuana advocacy group, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, tens of thousands of research papers have been published on the benefits of medical marijuana. Included in this research is a study that shows that suicide rates would decrease with the legalization of medical marijuana, particularly in the male population.
Views of Medicinal Marijuana Are Largely Positive
Polling results show that the vast majority of Americans are for medical marijuana for those suffering from serious illnesses, a large jump in supporters occurred in the past decade.
If you believe that you may benefit from medical marijuana, speak with your doctor about your options and get more facts on medical marijuana. If you reside in a state where medicinal marijuana is legal, you can obtain a “marijuana card” that will allow you to get top medical marijuana strains from dispensaries.