Some health problems are unavoidable. You may find yourself in an instant care clinic after a minor injury or an emergency room after a car accident. But some health problems can be partially due to neglecting yourself and your health in general. If you want to stay in good health, you can start with some simple self-care practices at home.
The video on this page covers 25 ways you can take care of yourself. The host starts with practicing mindfulness. How can you care for yourself if you aren’t mindful of what you need physically or emotionally? Next, she moves onto taking care of your physical needs. You can make yourself some nourishing meals and let yourself eat until gentle fullness. Make sure to drink plenty of water or tea, as well
Beyond maintaining your physical needs, you need to be aware of your emotional needs. Make sure you savor the time you spend caring for yourself. Make journalling or yoga part of your morning routine, for example, or find ways that you truly enjoy moving your body. Your self-care plan should be made of things that uplift you, so don’t worry if they are unconventional.