
Many, if not all people, have heard of Botox. Like rhinoplasty (a nose job) and facelift surgery, it’s considered a cosmetic procedure to help people improve their appearance. Many people also know Botox solutions like Juvederm are something that many celebrities use to conceal wrinkles and retain a more youthful appearance, with sometimes disastrous results that result in a person’s face seemingly being frozen in place.

However, there’s much more to getting a Botox injection than the court of public opinion will tell you — and as a result, there are widespread inaccuracies and myths about Botox that people believe.

Is all you know about Botox treatments steeped in myth and misconception? Here’s a list of the three most common myths that people believe about this cosmetic procedure, along with the realities behind them:

Myth No. 1: Botox is dangerous — even poisonous.

Not true! Botox is technically a purified protein that comes from a natural source, and all it does is block communication between your face’s nerves and muscles to eliminate dynamic wrinkles. Research has actually shown that Botox obtained from a reputable dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon is safer to use than aspirin!

Myth No. 2: Botox makes the skin look worse than before.

Again, not true. It’s normal for patients to experience minor redness and swelling at the site of the injections for the first 15 minutes after receiving the injections — but after that, the skin will return to its pre-treatment state. Excessive swelling, bruising or redness is not normal.

Myth No. 3: Botox can only be used on specific parts of the face.

Another common myth! Many people think Botox is only to be used for forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet — however, it can treat dynamic wrinkles just about anywhere on the face. It can lift the corners of the mouth, eliminate neck wrinkles and even be used to make the eyes appear more fresh, open and youthful.

Did you believe any of these prevalent myths about Botox? Share your thoughts on Botox treatments along with your comments on other cosmetic surgery procedures with us in the comments below! See more.