As a social species, it is safe to say that we rely on others every day of our lives: we rely on restaurant employees to cook our food safely, we rely on law officers to uphold the standards of justice we hold dear, we rely on friends and family for life advice and comfort. Admitting that you need help is the biggest step you will need to take, as it marks the turning point where you change into the person you see yourself becoming. Sometimes we need that extra helping hand due to factors both inside and outside of our control. If you or someone you know suffers from depression, drug addiction, or similar conditions, it may be time to try an alternative approach to traditional therapy — here are some reasons why Ibogaine treatments are becoming more popular around the globe.
Ibogaine Legislation
Ibogaine is an isolated active alkaloid from the root bark of a central West African shrub known as Tabernanthe Iboga. For millennia, the native people would consume this root bark to enhance their spiritual, shamanistic development and also as a rite of passage from youth to adulthood. As a naturally occurring psychoactive substance, the Drug Enforcement Administration has labeled Ibogaine as a Schedule-I controlled substance in the United States, thus not approving the administration of Ibogaine as a suitable treatment for addiction or depression. Both Canada and Mexico have unregulated Ibogaine legislation however with a growing number of addiction treatment centers using Ibogaine in treatments. Ibogaine use is characterized by two phases according to experts: the visionary phase and the introspection phase. The visionary phase lasts for around four to six hours and is a primarily psychedelic experience for the user, resulting in elated states of well-being. The introspection phase is where the therapeutic benefits of Ibogaine reveal themselves.
Ibogaine for Depression
For the 15 million Americans who suffer from clinical depression, the utilization of Ibogaine for depression could be the key factor in defeating depression. The introspection phase is responsible for the psychotherapeutic effects of Ibogaine; this effectively allows the user to conquer the underlying source of their fears and to better process negative emotions with a positive outcome in mind. Trauma, memory, and life experiences can be accessed through this dream-like state while fully conscious. By facing the source of their depression head-on and organically resolving their inner demons, many people are able to come out of an Ibogaine for depression treatment with a renewed outlook on life and a generally positive attitude in their daily dealings. If you belong to the over 6% of Americans who suffer every day from depression, consider looking in to Ibogaine treatment centers to see if there is a treatment plan that you could join.
Drug Treatment Through Ibogaine Therapy
Drug use is a difficult subject that needs to be addressed for the health and wellness of the user. Most people start using drugs when they are teenagers with 2.8 million new drug users in 2013 — half of these users were kids under the age of 18. When children start at such a young age to use drugs they form habits that are bound to take them down self-destructive paths without intervention. Drug use is more than a habit however, as many experts believe that there is a strong link to drug addiction and mental illnesses; as many as 6.8 million people with an addiction also have some kind of mental illness. Making the commitment to get clean is a difficult one, as users typically have to go through intense symptoms of withdrawal, moreover many users who receive conventional drug rehab therapy end up relapsing back into the habit again. Ibogaine allows the user to combat the source of their addiction on their terms; this may be what the person needs to really overcome their addiction. Research shows that Ibogaine is an effective addiction interrupter for many substances including heroin, methadone, methamphetamine, cocaine, alcohol, and even nicotine. Ibogaine also helps to curve the intense effects of withdrawal with a reported 98% success rate. Consider an ibogaine for depression or drug addiction treatment to start fresh and go through life on your terms.