When struggling with substance abuse, addiction treatment services can be a safety net in your recovery process. At alcohol and depression treatment centers, trained medical staff and counselors can provide insight as to underlying causes of addiction and make the most effective path towards sobriety.
While it can feel like a hopeless battle, there is light at the end of the tunnel, alcohol, and substance abuse prevention works to educate and provide resources for those in different stages of recovery. Taking the first steps can be one of the hardest steps to take, being scared as to what the future holds, but there is always someone willing to listen even if the first step is just making a call to alcohol and depression treatment centers. They can simply listen and information on their facility.
You may be wondering, how do I find alcohol and drug rehab facilities near me? This can be done through doctor or therapist recommendations, or through searching the internet. If an inpatient facility is not what you’re looking for the question to ask is how to locate alcohol and drug treatment near me? The first step into getting into treatment is picking up the phone.

The world is a difficult place for anyone to thrive, or even to establish themselves in. Between going to school and finding a job, there is a seemingly endless stream of obstacles to overcome. However, some may have more difficulty than others due to unfortunate circumstances.
Through research and study, it’s become clear how common it is for individuals to suffer from mental illness, as well as how many different forms it can manifest as. The problems those with mental disorders experience, can be even further amplified by the prevalence of drug abuse that is currently plaguing society, constantly filling up drug rehab centers.
Unfortunately, there appears to be a strong correlation between the presence of mental illness and substance abuse; whether one leads to the other is yet to be determined. People with mental disorders have been found to be twice as likely to develop some type of drug abuse problem as compared to the general population. About 20% of all people suffering from mental illness, have a co-occurring substance addiction.

To make matters worse, 70% of mental health issues have their onset at some point during the individual’s childhood or adolescence. And of course the age groups most likely to experience mental illness or substance abuse problems are between the young ages of 15 to 24. When people are young, especially for those with mental disorders, developing an addiction can start and accelerate quickly, making intervening with professional drug rehab support, vital to their recovery.

While those at a young age are far more susceptible to developing these problems, any individual can be at risk of mental illness and, especially, drug addictions, whether it narcotic or alcohol abuse. Government rehabs can be helpful, but their inconsistency and long waiting periods may not be conducive to an individual’s condition. Specialized drug rehab facilities can offer personalized care that will cater to every person’s needs.