When it comes to cancer treatment therapy, proton therapy is very much on the rise. After all, proton treatment is a kind of cancer treatment therapy that has been found to be very successful indeed. The data more than backs this up, and therefore more and more proton therapy centers are being built. As of the year of 2015, already more than 30 particle therapies existed or at least were under construction. This meant that up to 90 rooms in which proton therapy could be conducted would soon exist. And in the years that have followed, the number of these rooms has only continued to increase.
Proton radiation therapy is the ideal cancer treatment therapy (or at least a part of the ideal cancer treatment plan in its entirety) for a number of reasons. For one thing, proton therapy allows for a very targeted approach to radiation therapy. This targets the radiation to the tumor and not to the parts of the body that are still healthy, which is an unfortunate side effect of undergoing typical radiation treatment for cancer and a more standard cancer treatment therapy.
For instance, the radiation that enters the gastrointestinal system is greatly reduced, very nearly 60% less than even the radiation you’d receive from the standard x-ray. In addition to this, people who get proton therapy as a cancer treatment for breast cancer receive no radiation to the heart and only half of the radiation to the lungs as what typical cancer treatment provides. Even men who have receive proton therapy as a prostate cancer treatment can benefit from proton therapy as a cancer treatment therapy. Where normal radiation therapy is likely to decimate a man’s otherwise healthy sex drive, more than 90% of all of the men who undergo prostate therapy are able to pick up a normal sex life once their treatment has been fully completed.
Proton therapy is also a particularly effective type of cancer treatment therapy, something that makes it even more ideal. Again, this is something that can be seen in the rates surrounding men who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer. When such men with low risk prostate cancer undergo proton therapy for prostate cancer, up to 99% of them are still cancer free five years later and beyond, when a cancer is officially considered to be cured. And even men with intermediate risk prostate cancer have a nearly 95% chance of remaining cancer free for this impressive length of time when they undergo proton therapy for cancer. And those who are diagnosed with high risk prostate cancer still have a high chance of recovery when they undergo proton therapy as a part of treating prostate cancer. As a matter of fact, very nearly three quarters of them will achieve a cure.
And prostate cancer is far from the only type of cancer that can be treated by a cancer treatment therapy such as proton therapy. Aside from the treatment of prostate cancer, the treatment of brain cancer is also possible through proton cancer treatment. Brain tumors are actually much more common than many people realize, with glioblastomas alone making up at least 15% of all brain tumors in existence (that we know of so far). Brain tumors can certainly be incredibly difficult to treat, but many people are able to achieve a shrinking of a brain tumor through some types of cancer treatment therapy. Proton therapy for head and neck cancer is by and large one of the most common ways in which brain tumors and other similar cancers are able to be treated.
And proton therapy is something that is relatively easy to fit into the course of regular life. After all, the actual treatments themselves do not take all that long, all things considered (though the exact time that they take will vary for a number of reasons). Some treatments of this nature will take only just 15 minutes, while the longest of such proton treatments will take no longer than 45 minutes at the very most (in the vast majority of cases and circumstances). This makes this type of cancer treatment therapy ideal on so many different counts.