Having is a baby is a wonderful thing, an experience that many people very much look forward to sharing with their partners. However, the process of trying to conceive a baby can be a stressful and high stakes process, one that even fertile couples can feel the effects of. But it’s important not to stress it too much, as it can take even a very fertile and healthy couple as long as an entire year to conceive.
However, fertility problems are certainly not uncommon, and the average fertility center or fertility clinic is likely to see a good deal of clients over the course of time. Much of this has to do with the fact that women are choosing to have children later on in life than ever before – but the peak of fertility remains between the age of twenty and the age of twenty four, when very few women are actually in a place to plan for a child. And fertility begins to drop more quickly than one might realize, first occurring after the age of thirty and happening again, more steeply, at the age of thirty five. And by the time a woman reaches that age of forty, there is only around a forty percent chance that she will be able to conceive naturally, with no help from a fertility center and no medical intervention in the conception process.
But age is certainly not the only reason that couples struggle to maintain a pregnancy – or to get pregnant in the first place. In fact, such fertility issues are thought to occur in more than ten percent of all couples who are trying to achieve. And when we look at women alone, more than eleven percent have been on the receiving end of fertility treatments and fertility services, such as are provided by a fertility center and the fertility experts who work there. But fertility issues are not only attributed to women who, in fact, only represent about one third of the fertility conners faced by couples who are trying to get pregnant.q
It’s men who make up the other one third of all fertility issues, and the last one third of couples with fertility issues often both have them to some extent. In some cases, falling into that final one third of couples, the exact fertility issue cannot be isolated and nothing particular can be determined as being problematic in either party’s reproductive health. In these cases, couples are still often not able to get pregnant without the help of a fertility center and a fertility expert. However, IVF treatment is not likely to be the first step in the process, with fertility drugs typically tried out
Fortunately, there are now many fertility treatments available to couples who find that they cannot conceive naturally. In fact, the IVF cycle has become more accessible than it has ever been before. In fact, up to ninety percent of all cases of infertility and couples who suffer from it can go through the process of fertility treatments, though success is not necessarily guaranteed. For many people, though, fertility treatment have been able to give them the family that they’ve always wanted, from one child to even more than that.
However, there’s no doubt about it that the IVF cost can be prohibitive for many couples looking to have children but not able to do so naturally. However, the average fertility clinic or fertility center here in the United States is likely to offer IVF payment plans of some sort, allowing patients to lessen the blow of the cost by spreading it out over the course of time. And many couples and prospective parents think that it is simply well worth the cost in the first place, no matter what the fertility center might decide to charge them for the procedure.
Of course, if no fertility treatments work or if a couple simply just doesn’t want to pursue their other options at a fertility center near them, they can also decide to adopt. Adoption can be a wonderful thing, providing a home for a child in need.