How to become a weight loss coach

Fewer than 5% of adults get the 30 minutes of exercise per day that are recommended as a bare minimum for health. But the results of a new study by Indiana University are good news for those stuck in a cubicle at work: Taking just five-minute walking breaks throughout the day can ameliorate the negative effects of long-term sitting, which include heart disease, circulation problems and joint pain. The team’s research suggests that walking for five minutes after an hour of sitting prevents blood from pooling in the legs—which can lead to heart problems.

Personal Fitness Coaching
While these steps are good ones for those struggling to get any exercise at all, people shouldn’t expect a few minutes of walking to do the same work as a comprehensive exercise plan. Those who go to the gym alone sometimes struggle with consistency—in fact, only 20% of people can maintain their weight loss on their own. Personal fitness coaching is a good option both for those developing a fitness plan for weight loss and those hoping to push their fitness to the next level.

Nutrition Planning
Exercise can’t promote good health alone, though. A nutritious diet is a vital factor in either weight loss or improved fitness. Like anyone who has worked to become a weight loss coach, someone who undergoes nutrition coach training gains the expertise to help you choose a nutrition plan that will work for you. If you’ve already selected a plan but have trouble staying motivated, you can find a Shakeology coach, Paleo coach or other diet coach to keep you on track. Simply eating fewer calories may cause you to lose weight, but it may or may not be enough to actually get you healthier. According to the CDC, 75% of healthcare spending is on treatments for preventable chronic diseases, mostly food-related, so the link between nutrition and long-term health is simply indisputable. More.