Your husband has struggled lately. He is irritable, impatient, and not that much fun to be around. The children are stressed, you are worried, and the tension in the house is nearly unbearable. And while there are moments when he seems like his old self, those times are growing few and far between. You have […]
Burnout. It is a serious symptom where individuals become overwhelmed with the time spent at work or the responsibilities of the job, whereby they become depressed, lethargic, have difficulty concentrating, lack motivation, are prone to angry outbursts, are prone to depression, and more. Burnout can affect anyone at any job, as there are many different […]
Prostate cancer. It is a word that strikes fear into the hearts of many men, as they grapple in their old age with issues like sexuality and “keeping it up.” For many men, prostrate cancer starts the fear that they will be unable to have sex and how difficult this will be for them in […]
There are a lot of health issues that an urgent care clinic can help with, that can save you a long and expensive trip to the emergency room or the hospital. People get clinic care for skin issues, colds and flu, blood tests, insect bites, allergies, UTIs, vomiting and other stomach distress, ear infections, heartburn, […]
Blood. People faint at the sight of it. But fortunately there are a brave few who continue to provide care even when faced with gruesome injuries. These people are not necessarily in hospitals, or even the primary care doctor. These people are in a growing field that delivers medical care in a safe, effective manner. […]
Diet. It’s an important part of the life of every American and yet many do not adhere to a healthy diet. While there are many reasons why this would occur, Americans who do this may suffer from detrimental health effects in the future. These include obesity, diabetes, heart disease, even cancer. More and more research […]
Stress and exhaustion are real and common, but what do you do when it turns into something else> Work can contribute to a lot of stress causing one million people in the U.S. to miss work a day, and causing one in four to use a mental health day at work. When stress leads to […]
A large percentage of people within the United States suffer with a variety of treatable medical and mental health issues. While some individuals may seek treatment for their issues, others will refrain. The reasons for this will obviously vary. In some instances, someone may not seek treatment because they don’t have insurance. In others, however, […]
Are you getting enough sleep? If you have sleep apnea and aren’t using any kind fo sleep therapy, such as affordable manual CPAP machines, the answer is most likely no. Without treatment, sleep apnea can a potentially deadly disorder in a number of ways, many of which can be successfully treated with simple sleep apnea […]
Sleep apnea is a serious condition that can increase your risk of a heart attack by three times, and of having a stroke by four times, if left untreated. As many as 18 million people in the United States are believed to suffer from sleep apnea; but there is effective treatment in the form of […]