If you own or manage a company that operates in the pharmaceutical industry space, one of the most difficult things to accomplish this to develop a drug through clinical drug development procedures and to successfully bring it to market after adequate clinical study and clinical trials. This is a process that might take years from […]
Over 20 million Americans over the age of 12 have an addiction (excluding tobacco). When it comes to addiction, there are many forms of treatment. Ibogaine therapy is an emerging form of drug treatment that can alleviate the physical symptoms of withdrawal. Ibogaine is an active alkaloid extracted from the root bark of a West […]
Over 20 million Americans over the age of 12 have an addiction (excluding tobacco). When it comes to addiction, there are many forms of treatment. Ibogaine therapy is an emerging form of drug treatment that can alleviate the physical symptoms of withdrawal. Ibogaine is an active alkaloid extracted from the root bark of a West […]
Studies have shown that there is a major correlation between the way people feel about themselves and the way people look. In other words, people often base their self-worth and happiness off their physical appearance. Whether or not this is a healthy outlook, it’s a common one. And sometimes issues involving physical appearance are also […]
When we have a pressing health concern, our immediate impulse is often to go to the emergency room. But the fact is that this may not be the best option for everyone. For one thing, the emergency room, as much as it has become popularized as a “cure all” on TV shows, is actually meant […]
In today’s society, there are a lot of pressures and burdens that quickly add up to create a feeling of being overwhelmed. Some people are equipped with the tools to deal with that overwhelming stress. But others do not seek out healthy ways to deal with it, and others simply do not have access to […]
Are you experiencing hearing issues? Is your current provider addressing these issues to your satisfaction, or are you looking for a new hearing consultant? Many people in the United States experience some issues with their hearing. There are approximately 37.5 million people 18 and older that would benefit from seeing a hearing consultant. In some […]
A surprisingly large number of people live with chronic pain as part of their daily lives, because conventional medicine doesn’t really have any cures. Surgery has chancy outcomes and pain relief medication can be both addictive and ineffective after a while. More and more health care practitioners are turning to massage as a way of […]
If you are experiencing any type of hair loss, it can be very frustrating. No one likes to lose their hair. But thanks to modern technology there are several hair replacement strategies that might work for you. Hair restoration is not usually a quick process. There is always going to be a waiting period whether […]
If you or a loved one are suffering from an addiction be it alcohol addiction or drugs, there are several things that can help you overcome. You might feel at a loss, especially if this is something that you have being going through for a long time. There are some traditional ideas and some not […]