The holiday season is a time of jubilation and merry festivity. Whether you’re stringing up lights, picking out gifts, or just spending time with loved ones there’s just something about this time of year that invokes reminiscence and joy. Unfortunately, it’s also a time of the year when bacteria seems to run rampant, viruses start […]
The world, meaning the blogosphere, Twiitersphere, and every and any media platform available to mankind has been a buzz with the benefits of Botox in recent years? From celebrities who are famous simply for being famous — or doing certain things on camera — to fashionable suburban soccer moms trying to out-young each other, to […]
None of us want to look old and wrinkly. We would all love to have that perfect, smooth, mid 20s skin but it is hard to keep up a good skin care routine when you are not seeing the wrinkles yet. However, once the wrinkles come, they are there for good and are not going […]
If you have had an addiction to opioids, you aren’t alone. This is a serious problem that has swept much of the country in the last few years. It often happens after someone has been prescribed these medications for a while, allowing the patient to become addicted to them. The effects of opioids when you […]
Every year, doctors see thousands of patients to help them find the relief that they need. For those without a primary healthcare provider, it can be difficult to find the right doctor. Patients want medical help that includes prescription medication, extended hours, and access to the top doctors in the field. Sports Injuries The 12 […]
The Great Recession had several lasting impacts on the lives, consciousness, and outlook of the American people. Like the ripple effect of a tsunami, the Recession saw wave after devastating wave of hard hits. First it was nationwide layoffs, then it was foreclosures, then it was widespread unemployment. The list goes on. This created a […]
Many people don’t realize that limes are a nutricious superfood that have been used for medicinal purposes for centuries and in many cultures. In our highly chemical saturated culture, we’ve found unnatural alternatives to treat all of the ailments that limes are capable of preventing altogether and have overlooked this simple solution. Extensive scientific diet […]
Starting a workout regimen can be intimidating. And not just because you are starting something new, or committing time and effort to change, but because there is a risk of injury involved. In fact, 80% of adults do not meet the standards for aerobic and anaerobic exercise. This doesn?t mean that 80% of adults are […]
Our health is something we all want to take care of. We hear about it all the time: family health care plans, insurance for family care, health clinics for women, children, families but when and how should we visit a healthcare provider? When something happens, most of us would visit urgent care facilities or an […]